
Thunder! That’s what mom calls it but I’m pretty sure it is a bomb or big foot. You know, we were having a great night, I was chewing on a bully stick and mom had her maps and books out and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the sky turned really dark and there was the loudest boom I have ever heard. By the time it finished, I was almost hitting my head on the front windshield, sitting as far as I could away from the possibility of it hitting me, stepping on me or biting me. Mom tried to coax me out but I’m not stupid, I knew it wasn’t over, no way! I was only shaking a little bit, hardly noticeable. 

Earlier in the day we got to hike up Lily mountain. It sure was nice of Lily to let us climb up her mountain because it was beautiful and so much fun running up and then back down. 

It was harder to breathe then normal, mom says it’s because we are closer to the clouds than normal and we just aren’t use to it, altitude or something. 

Afterward, I took a couple naps while mom drove around, ran errands and took photos but she rewarded me for being so patient with a great run around the campground. On our run we saw these big animals bouncing around, mom called them deer and for the second time today lectured me about not barking at them because this is their home and we are visitors. I saw even bigger versions of the deer too and I listened to mom and didn’t bark at them, I mean they were pretty giant, I’ll keep my barks to myself. Elk, that’s what she called them. We turned one corner in the campground and there was this huge bird gobbling at us. Mom said it was a turkey and reminded me how I jumped up on the counter on Thanksgiving and grabbed the turkey leg. No reminder necessary, I remember that like it was yesterday. Until next time… Turkey!

– Franklin 

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Sara Flora says:

    Franklin, how exciting to meet so many new animal friends! I love your stories. So glad you are meeting so many nice new friends. Stay safe.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Audrey Pieper says:

    It’s so nice to hear your perspective, I know it differs from your Mommas. My Daddys perspective differs too but doesn’t it add to life’s adventures! I get scared at thunder too but just like your bark it’s meant to warn and respect your surroundings. And can’t blame you for the turkey leg . . . it’s delicious!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Colleen Hayward says:

    You have a very nice mommy , Franklin!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Anna says:

    Franklin! Thunder can be scary. Glad mom was with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Mom says:

    So cute. Franklin you are so photogenic.

    Liked by 1 person

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