The Grand Canyon

I swear it was only a few days ago that I was rooting around in my Thule storage and noticed the unopened box of hand warmers and thought, “Well that was a waste of money.” Now on my fourth day of 30 degree weather, I am so glad I have those. I have gone through 5 pairs already and it’s amazing how much those little guys can help when your fingers feel like they are beyond saving.

IMG_4208 copyrightThankfully we had a break from the clouds and rain/snow mixture yesterday and I was able to finally see the Grand Canyon. Wow is all I have to say. Once again, it’s something you have to see in your life because no matter how many pictures I may take, it is just not the same as sitting on a ledge overlooking the canyon while the clouds roll through in the distance. It is still bitterly cold but I could sit, stare and marvel at the grandeur for hours…that is if Franklin would let me.

Rain won’t get us down!

The rain was pouring all night and this morning so I decided to take a short break and travel into Flagstaff to catch up and plan the next leg of my travels. Thank you Starbucks for the free wifi!

Heading north to Utah tomorrow!

9 Comments Add yours

  1. Sister, proud of you keep the adventure going. Love you

    Sent from my iPhone



  2. rANG bIRANGE says:

    Grand canyon is breathtaking, isnt it


  3. Mom says:

    I always look forward to you next story. Love you !


  4. Lori says:

    Love the pictures,the adventures and the way you capture it all with your words. Franklin you have one smart mom!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Have fun in Zion, can’t wait to see the pictures!


  6. Ella Friberg says:

    Love all your pictures, especially Yosemite…you’re totally right in saying that pictures will never truly express the grand beauty of these places. When I was in Yosemite years ago I just remember looking back at my pictures and thinking, this looks so small, this was so much bigger and grander. If your trip takes you through NC we’ll be moving to Wilmington at the end of June so come by for a visit. 🙂


    1. AGoldenRoad says:

      Yes I will!! Thanks Ella!


  7. T-Roy says:

    Looks like your having a great adventure KB. Enjoy Franklin’s views on the trip as well!


    1. AGoldenRoad says:

      Thanks T-Roy!


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